Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Is it Time to Get Grumpy, Yet?

--What Is Medicare Part B of Is it Time to Get Grumpy, Yet?--

he said Is it Time to Get Grumpy, Yet?

The following is a true story. Man of my acquaintance got himself more car than he could afford, so he leased. For the uninitiated, leasing is a means by which one can use a car and only pay the depreciation. It's a pretty good deal until the time comes to turn it in. Then, of course, they payment you extra if you abused the car in any way by driving it in the rain or something. It's all there in the lease agreement. What? You neglected to read the seventy-five pages of 8point type that let you know the details of how the car clubs could let you use a fifty-thousand dollar car for pennies? You just appropriate that the "Car Fairy" dropped in during the night.

Is it Time to Get Grumpy, Yet?

The car manufacturers came up with leasing so they could continue to knuckle under to their near-sighted stockholders, the unions and the government without raising the price of a car to a million dollars, or make any other effort to see past the ends of their noses. It helped delay the current situation, until the leases all got turned in at once.

Stand by. The same thing is now happening with communal security and Medicare, only on a much grander scale. Actually, the trillions we are about to see go down a black hole will make the auto bailout look like "tip money." And guess who's in payment of that fiasco? That's right, the geniuses who are trying to fix the auto manufactures the same way they dealt with an aging population. They will throw money at it.

This clarification would be fine and dandy if they had any money. They don't. They have to steal it from us. When we became the turnip one cannot get blood from, they invented a way to steal from the unborn. They great rethink that abortion stance. They are going to need all the pockets they can pick when these bills come due.

Of course, every new generation brings the hope of solutions we can't even imagine. There have to have been doomsayers when the U.S. Was founded crying over our inability to defend ourselves without England, now the Motherland pretty much depends on us. You know there were those in 1861 who said we could never survive a war with ourselves. But, we did. Twice in the twentieth century, we went to war for the noblest of reasons. Twice we went to war for less noble reasons. Once in the new millennium we have gone to war," in self defense," we are told. Our economy collapsed in the 30's and our moral compass has gone askew several times. We survived them all because of one inalienable truth. Americans do things.

People who do things sometimes mess up. It's part of the process. But I have faith in the future, in spite of the fact that I turned on "Biography," the other day and they were profiling Hugh Hefner. I guess Thomas Jefferson didn't study well.

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