Friday, August 31, 2012

Self Employed earnings Tax - What You Should Know

--What Is Medicare Part B of Self Employed earnings Tax - What You Should Know--

at Yahoo Self Employed earnings Tax - What You Should Know

Congratulations on your decision to become self employed. You have joined the ranks of many wanting to take control of their financial future. If this is a fairly new amelioration for you, there are probably many things you are still learning about being in business for yourself. Additionally, there are many new laws, regulations and tax updates that can impact you as an entrepreneur. One of those new updates is the recently implemented self employed income tax. Below you will find a report of the new tax, whether you need to pay it and how it can influence you as a business owner.

Self Employed earnings Tax - What You Should Know

Self employed income tax is comparable to the Medicare and communal protection taxes that are withheld from one's paycheck when working for an employer. If you netted at least 0 while a calendar year, or earned just over 0 straight through employment with a church, you will be required to pay this new tax. Currently the tax rate is 15.3%, where 12.4% will cover communal protection and the remainder will cover Medicare. Since chances are that you don't receive a a quarterly pay check every other week as a self employed individual, you will have to make an appraisal of what you owe.

If you are only self employed on a part time basis, you will still be required to pay this new tax as long as you have earned the minimum amount. Self employed income tax. If you are not automatically deducting this tax from your earnings, this can influence you adversely and you may find that you have to pay a lump sum, which you may or may not have. The more ready you are in holding track of your income and taxes owed, the great your chances are that you won't be overwhelmed by a huge cost while tax time.

When paying self employed income tax, your best bet is to set up a cut off account so that you are ready for anything you may owe. Although this is a fairly new tax, it is one that is being strictly enforced, so make sure that you take the proper steps to ensure that you have the resources to pay this income tax and that you're not scrambling last limited to get funds together. Being self employed means that you have to more responsible than you ever were as an employee. By responsibly putting money away for this tax, you will save yourself a lot of time and aggravation in the end.

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