consultant American Healthcare - A Failed Paradigm
One of the overriding issues in America is health care. It affects virtually every aspect of domestic policy, including politics, business, the economy and personal lives of Americans from the poor to the very rich.
American Healthcare - A Failed Paradigm
Sadly, in this current political season the reply seems to Not be on solutions other than offer us more of the same with so-called "universal coverage" for everyone. In other words, the system we have now sucks, so everyone should suffer straight through it equally. When I discuss this, my Conservative and Liberal friends reply with something like, "What do you mean? We have the best health care system in the world!" But still, both sides plainly approach the problem as an guarnatee problem instead of a collective health issue. Too bad.
In my mind, the problem with health care in America is that the whole paradigm is flawed. From birth, we're indoctrinated into the disease model and that drugs can forestall or cure any malady. In other words, we must forestall and fight disease.
So, we start babies off with "their shots". While I believe vaccination should be a matter of choice, the whole and types of shots recommended for babies and toddlers authentically is an assault on their developing immune system and is downright scary. Then throughout their early school years, many kids are "diagnosed" with Add/Adhd and given narcotics grade drugs to force them to sit still so they can do best in school. And then (ironically) complain about athletes taking drugs to heighten their performance. Strange.
As we enter adulthood, we're convinced that giving birth is a traumatic and dangerous event that must be handled strictly in a healing setting. Why aren't women in modern America told that giving birth is a natural, gorgeous thing for which they were uniquely designed. Instead of empowering women to do what they were plainly designed for, we scare them into compliancy with a pathological, allopathic model of childbirth.
Further into adulthood, Americans are checked routinely for cholesterol, blood pressure, diabetes and a host of other chronic conditions. And when measures creep covering established norms, they're put on medications to force that single reading to what the doctor thinks is right. Unfortunately, every drug has a side effect. And, we Americans hardly ever ask our doctors "What is in this drug?" or "What are some potential side effects of this drug?" or "How will this affect me with the other drugs I'm taking?" Instead, we plainly comply.
Then as we enter middle age, we start seeing problems like liver and kidney failure, congestive heart failure, etc. And come to be quarterly visitors to the local hospital. As the drugs whether no longer work or our bodies start to shut down from weird symptoms that can't authentically be classified, we begin to "doctor shop" to find person who can come up with an precise diagnosis.
Eventually, we end up in a nursing home being given dozens of distinct drugs and put straight through untold numbers of tests until our bodies ultimately give in and give up. From birth to death we are taught to fear and fight fever, vomit and diarrhea. And because our focus is on disease, we originate disease. Two of the largest and most profitable industries in America just happen to be guarnatee and drug companies. have you noticed all the new "diseases" being advertised on Tv, like "Restless Leg Syndrome", Gerd and a host of others? And, have you checked to see how much money those industries spend in advertising and political lobbying?
So, what's the solution? Well first, we must identify that our whole factory is wrong from the start. Just like our study system and tax code, we need a whole new way of thinking. Maybe it was Einstein who said "No problem can be solved with the same level of mental that created the it in the first place".
Instead of a system that makes person else responsible for seeing or preventing a disease; or your owner (or worse, the Government) paying for your "health" insurance; or expecting Medicare/Medicaid to pay for your dying care, we should give individuals accountability for their own health.
In a wellness paradigm, you start with the factory that you're supposed to be healthy! Instead of sitting colse to watching Tv, eating junk food and smoking cigarettes, we encourage folks to exercise, stay fit, eat best and do those things that keep them salutary and out of harm's way. Instead of a mangled care system that minimize the time you spend with "a" doctor, you find the doctor that's right for you and make the kind of association that makes you healthier and gives you greater operate over your health and your life. When I was young, President John F. Kennedy asked that all schools adopt corporal fitness as part of their quarterly curriculum.
After all, this is Still America, "home of the Free and land of the Brave"! The American pioneer spirit has always been responsible for our power and prosperity. We should get rid of this "plantation mentality" where the Government or an owner should take care of us. As one writer wrote, "you are endowed with the seed of greatness". By realizing and pursuing that greatness in every aspect of life in America, we can restore our nation's health and vitality and sell out our dependence on drug makers and guarnatee companies.
Live the very best life you can. Don't give your relaxation and power to anyone!
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